2023 Muller-Ruprecht Orange, 750ml
A staple in the shop- This delicious wine is a blend of Huxelrebe, Gewürztraminer, and Chardonnay, with 10 days of skin contact. It’s fermented in stainless steel and aged in large, used wooden barrels. With no fining or filtration, it’s intentionally cloudy with yeast, adding a bit of texture to this light, 10.5% ABV wine.
Think light, crisp and fresh but with some texture. Citrusy, floral and tropical aromas and flavors. E-Z drinker for the the orange curious!
-Country, Germany
-Style,Skin Contact
-Producer, Muller-Ruprecht
- Chardonnay
- Gewurztraminer
- Huxelrebe