NV Sonntag Geschlossen Grüner Veltliner Schwimmbad, 750ml

This is a Grüner sourced from various barrels throughout the cellar: Grüners from harvests 2002 to 2010 and intentionally left untopped. Some would call this a “Cuvée perpétuelle” but Markus chooses to simply call it “Swimming Pool”. All of these wines were in barrel until 2016 when the blend was composed in a stainless steel tank and left there until this second edition was bottled in May 2024. At 11.5% this is the lightest of the wines and like the 2012 it has a certain seamless feel, an integration that only comes with age. This is delicately oxidative, with seabreeze and marine notes, salty with lots of dried herbs and complex fruit, bruised apple and plenty of minerals. This is superb, a Grüner with delineation and finesse and still tons of lift. -vB


-Country, Austria
-Producer, Sonntag Geschlossen

  • Grüner Veltliner