2021 Vetter Sylvaner Steinterrassen Sandstein, 750ml
It goes without saying that Vetter has a style - and the 2021's could not be more Vetter. Tasting note after tasting note from early this spring in Germany, tasting with Stefan, includes the word "ruthless" - this is the vintage woven into Vetter's style. The Sandstein is perhaps the most drinky of the bunch - call it a Kabinett Trocken Silvaner. Sourced from 50+ year-old vines on sandstone terraces, this can be thought of as the Premier Cru - previously it was bottled as the "Steinterrassen Sandstein." This wine has the most granular of textures, yellowed fruits, serious cut and grapefruit spray.

-Country, Germany
-Producer, Stefan Vetter
- Silvaner